Celebrate Our Nation's Independence at AVGC! - Apple Valley Gun Club

Celebrate Our Nation’s Independence at AVGC!

Apple Valley Gun Club July 2 Patriot Celebration

Patriotism and a Way to Experience It

“Come the shoot the rifles that secured our freedom”
By: Alex Montenegro

I often think how lucky I am to live in the country I do, and to get to hang out with the community of firearm enthusiasts that I do. As I click off a mental list of the possibility of countries, I honestly can say I wouldn’t want to live in any other country but the United States of America. In that spirit of appreciation of where one lives, it conjures up a feeling of patriotism for me.

In light of the world events currently in progress, I thought I would put on an event at Apple Valley Gun Club for our community to experience patriotism right here at the club. With another killer BBQ planned for the Independence Celebration on Saturday July 2nd, I thought what a perfect time for the CMP Group to share our sport & discipline. I believe that some of you would love to come shoot the rifles that secured & protected our freedom as a country, but were somewhat unsure or didn’t have the gear or the comfort level to shoot a CMP match.

Well, here is my offer. The group of CMP shooters that shoot at AVGC have offered their services as an individual coach for anyone who wants to give it a shot (pun intended). So you can come shoot a match using one of our loaner rifles we have, M1 Garands (4), a Mosin Nagant, an 8mm Mauser, and I know most of us would loan you one of our rifles as well. We have ammo for all of these firearms for these type of matches, and you’re welcome to bring your own service rifle too.

So, if you’ve always wanted to, but just never got up the guts, here is a great way to wet your feet. If you shoot at one of our CMP Matches, fill out a score card, and turn it in; you’ll be assigned a CMP number by the CMP. This in turn will allow you to buy from the CMP anything that is on their sales list.

Come participate in our matches, experience patriotism, and enjoy a great BBQ afterwards. For more detailed information, please contact me by email so that way I can give a complete and clear response to your questions.


July 2nd


CMP Match: 7 am set up.  8 am Mandatory safety briefing

BBQ: 1 pm

Flag retirement ceremony: 3 pm

Hope to see you there,
Alex Montenegro
AVGC CMP Director
Email: ibalmon@msn.com