Apple Valley Gun Club

Apple Valley Gun Club

Women's Programs
Coed Programs
Junior Programs
Adaptive Programs

Firearms Training at AVGC

AVGC offers affordable and professional firearms training in a comfortable and safe environment. All of our training staff are NRA certified instructors with years of personal experience. We welcome new gun owners as well as people who are experienced with firearms.

All firearms training classes, programs, and shooting matches at Apple Valley Gun Club are OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.

Come out and see who we are!  The public is welcome to attend our monthly orientation and tour our facilities. Orientation is held monthly on the third Sunday.  Check our Calendar for details.

We encourage any and all firearms owners, club members or not, to participate in events and training held regularly at our ranges. However, please note that Apple Valley Gun Club is a membership club. Only members are allowed to shoot independently at our facility.

After attending our various public firearms training opportunities, we are sure you will want to join the club. We look forward to having you become a member!

Firearms Training

We offer a range of firearms instruction for all ability levels.  From NRA Basics of Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun, Coed Community on Target to Women’s Pistol Night, there’s something for everyone.

Club Matches

We hold several different club shooting matches each month.  Our matches are designed to teach safety and proficiency with various firearms.  Matches are open to members and non-members alike.

CCW Re-Qualification

If your San Bernardino County, California CCW will expire in the next 90 days, or if your CCW has already expired, schedule your Range Date for your Re-Qualification at Apple Valley Gun Club.

The AVGC Range Facilities

Pistol Range

Our Pistol Range offers four separate covered, lighted bays with individual lighting controls at the benches. We offer a variety of pistol clinics and matches, including coed and women’s only events.

Trap Range

The Shotgun/Trap Range at  offers a trap range with full facilities. We host a number of club matches each week as well as Amateur Trap Association matches.

Rifle Range

The Rifle Range offers covered firing positions, a big bore range from 100 to 300 yards, as well as a silhouette range. We host numerous matches; most popularly, the CMP Rifle Match.


Our Indoor Rimfire Only Range is one the most capable Indoor Ranges in Southern California, and we regularly host shoots and matches in all types of small bore (rimfire) venues. Plus it’s open 24 hours a day!

Archery Range

The Archery Range features a covered firing line with 10 firing positions. We offer all forms of archery equipment as well as other primitive weapons such as tomahawks and lances. Check out our monthly Open Archery Clinic if you are interested in getting introduced to archery.

Full Range Map

Hours of Operation

The Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun/Trap ranges are open from Sunrise to 10 pm.
The Indoor and Archery ranges are open 24 hours a day.

16699 Stoddard Wells Road
Victorville, CA 92395

Please note that events on the calendar have priority over walk-on shooters. Match directors may open parts of ranges based on the size of the event and the safety of all shooters. Please find details about partial range availability during events in the description or contact the person named as event-lead for more information.

Safe Gun Handling Rules

1. ALWAYS keep your gun pointed in a safe direction

2. ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot

3. ALWAYS keep your gun unloaded until ready to use

4. ALWAYS know your target and what is beyond

Click above for additional Gun Safety Information from the NRA

Apple Valley Gun Club

Monthly Club Meetings

Apple Valley Gun Club meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month.  The Board Meeting begins at 6:30 pm and Membership Meeting follows at 7:00 pm.


Club meetings will be held at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds in the Global Credit Union Building unless otherwise noted on the calendar and monthly eblast.  Fairgrounds are located at 14800 7th St. Victorville, CA 92395.

For questions about membership or becoming a member, contact our membership liaison.

Membership Liaison
Cathy Westmoreland
Phone: (760) 217-0755