Women's Programs
The Apple Valley Gun Club offers an expanding program of shooting and educational programs for women in the High Desert.
We offer the NRA Women on Target Instructional Shooting Clinics as well as monthly clinics, seminars and shoots for women.
Women’s Pistol Program
The Women’s Pistol Program is our monthly night out for Ladies to come and shoot in a safe and fun environment. It’s an ideal course for those who have never fired a gun before or have limited experience handling firearms. Click here for more information.
Strong Women and Guns (SWAG)

Held on the third Thursday of each month except December.
Click here for more information.
NRA Women on Target
If you are curious about firearms, whether for personal defense or to learn a new sport, Women On Target® is the perfect place to start. These instructional shooting clinics are designed to teach you firearm safety and the fundamentals of marksmanship, giving you the confidence you need to safely handle and operate a firearm upon completion. You will have the experience of shooting pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns. Click here for class dates and more information.