Become a Member - Apple Valley Gun Club

Apple Valley Gun Club Membership

Member Benefits

Apple Valley Gun Club (AVGC) has numerous ranges, firearms training classes and educational programs for people of all ability levels.  We are committed to providing a safe and legal place to shoot. 

AVGC members may use the facility from sunrise to 10:00 pm.  The indoor and archery ranges are open 24 hours a day.

  • Outdoor pistol ranges
  • High powered rifle range
  • ATA compliant trap on our shotgun range
  • Indoor small bore range for rifle and pistol (rimfire)
  • Archery range
  • Outdoor education and conservation
  • Firearms and archery training
  • Indoor training room in the Clubhouse
  • Muzzleloading

How to Join the Apple Valley Gun Club

NRA or CRPA (California Rifle and Pistol Association) membership is required in order to join the Apple Valley Gun Club.  Note that we no longer require a sponsor to join. 

Fees & Dues

One time initiation fee: $225

2025 Annual dues
Seniors 65 and older: $60 per year
General Membership: $160 per year
Dues are pro-rated.

Applications received in October, November and December will also require dues for the following year.

Application & Waiver

Download and complete the AVGC Application and Waiver.  You must be a current NRA or CRPA member to join.

Submit Application at Monthly Membership Meeting

Check in at the sign in table at 6:30 pm and submit your application, waiver, dues and fees along with proof of NRA or CRPA membership up on check in.

All applications will be handled following the Membership meeting as part of the agenda.

See below for meeting locations.

AVGC Monthly Membership Meetings


Second Wednesday of Each Month


Club meetings will be held at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds. All meetings, with the exception of the May meeting, will be held in the Global Credit Union Building (formerly Alaska USA).  The May meeting will be held in Building 4 (enter through Gate B). Fairgrounds are located at 14800 7th St. Victorville, CA 92395.

New Member Requirements

1. Must be a member of the NRA or CRPA

Become an NRA Member | Become a CRPA Member

2. Complete your four-hour volunteer/work requirement

We have a work party the third Sunday of each month from 8:00 am to 12:00.

  • You can also complete your 4-hour work requirement by helping at meetings with sign-in, selling tickets, help with selling merchandise.
  • Call a match director and help with set-up/tear down, scoring, etc.
  • Call a Junior Program Director and help with coaching, RSO, or with sign-in & paperwork.
  • Call the Secretary for office work
  • Help at our Women on Target, Community on Target, Ladies Pistol Night, (set up & tear down range, chaperone & escort participants, help with sign-in, food set up & clean up)

Check our website and the Club’s quarterly Newsletter which is emailed out to all members for other volunteer work opportunities.

Contact lists are available on the website.

3. Attend AVGC Range Orientation

Third Sunday of each month from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Follows the work party)

4. Attend two Range Specific Training Classes (Rifle and Pistol)

Rifle Range Specific Training Classes are held on the 4th Saturday of each month from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm

Pistol Range Specific Training Classes are held on the 4th Wednesday of each month from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.

You will be given a Promo Code in your New Member Packet that will make the Range Specific Training NO CHARGE.

Bring your firearm, 50 rounds of factory new ammunition (No Reloads or Steel), Approved Eye & Ear Protection.

If you do not own a Rifle or Pistol, we will loan you one in .22, Bring 50 rounds of your own 22LR ammo.

Sign up online at Eventbrite.

During your probation period, you may come to the club for any event that is open to the public. You must stay at that particular event.

If you would like to come any other time you can call or email anyone on the AVGC New Member Contact List. Just go down the list until you find someone who is available.

After Successful Completion of the Probationary Period

Attend the Monthly Membership Meeting

Once you have completed the items above, you must attend the next monthly membership meeting to show proof of completion and get your regular membership card.   Few exceptions will be made for getting your regular membership card.

You will be issued a regular membership card with the gate combination on it, which is the same combination to the clubhouse where you can enter to get targets as part of your membership benefits.

The various ranges are open from sun-up to 10:00 pm 7 days a week, except for times when the ranges are being used for a calendared event. Always check the calendar before coming to the Club property to make sure there isn’t an event taking place, because you will have to wait until that event is over before you can use that range.

Become thoroughly familiar with the Range Safety Regulations, Policies and Procedures, and the Bylaws which can be found on this web site as PDF files that can be saved or printed.

When you join the Apple Valley Gun Club you are committing to take care of YOUR range.  The type of member we are trying to develop is one that is willing to help and give back.  As an all volunteer organization, nothing happens without YOUR help, opinions, care, concern, and leadership.  There’s more to membership than just shooting.  

See you on the Range!