Monthly Club Shooting Matches
All AVGC firearms training classes and matches are open to the public.
The gate will be unlocked and open when you arrive and will be locked shortly after the event or class starts.
Please arrive on time or early.

Apple Valley Gun Club offers several different club matches each month. All of our matches are designed to teach safety and proficiency with various firearms. Matches are open to members and non-members alike.
Please check the Calendar of Events prior to coming to a match.
For specific details on a particular match, click on one of the links below:
All of AVGC’s Matches are open to the public. You do not need to be a member to participate. All Non-Members will sign a waiver/release.
Check the calendar for set-up/start times (times vary between winter and summer). The Range Safety Briefing is just prior to the start of each match. You must be at the Range Safety Briefing to participate.
Apple Valley Gun Club is a cold range. Firearms are to remain unloaded until the RSO instructs you to load and make ready. This includes CCW holders.
Match fees are $7 for Club Members and $13 for Non-Members.
Active Military always participate at no charge.
Please bring exact change or purchase a Ten Match Punchcard.
Match Results
Match results are posted at:
Every class, program, match or member activity at AVGC is based on the NRA’s four rules of gun safety.