The Apple Valley Gun Club hosts an active archery program at our archery range. We offer a covered firing line with 10 firing positions, and host all forms of archery equipment.

New to Archery – Want to Learn More?
For those new to Archery a basic guide has been prepared by Archery Instructor, George Ellison – Archery Basics (click to open flyer).
Check out our monthly Open Archery Clinic if you are interested in getting introduced to archery. We offer archery clinics for those who are new to archery as well as for those who are looking for instruction. Archery is an adaptable sport, and people of all ages, genders and abilities can participate.
Join the Apple Valley Gun Club and take advantage of our Archery Range!
Please monitor the Club’s calendar of events for details and updates.
Archery Chair
Sandy Oberlies
TEXT ONLY: (760) 282-4395
Archery Range Events
Open Archery
Learn proper techniques from our instructors. Open to all ages.

Second and fourth Saturday of each month
10 am to 12 pm at the Archery Range
Free for AVGC members and kids 18 and under
$10 for Non-AVGC member adults
Fee includes lessons, use of the equipment and two hours of range time.
3D Archery
3D Archery is a Match run similar to golf. Each participant shoots 2 arrows at a 3D foam animal target from the 1st “T”.

Pre-Registration is required on Eventbrite.
After all shooters have shot target 1, the shots are scored. After scoring, everyone moves to the 2nd T and shoots 2 more arrows into the 2nd target. There are 7 targets total, shooting 2 rounds for a total of 28 arrows shot and scored. The highest score “wins” bragging rights.
Targets are set at different distances each match and no range finders are allowed. It is an event to help hone one’s hunting skills and practice estimating distances.
5 pts for hitting the animal
8 pts in the kidney
10 pts. lung
11 pts a direct heart shot
“On the Line” counts as the higher of the two.
Second Saturday of each month
June – September: 8 am – 10 am
October – May: 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm
In the bowl area between the ranges
$5 per person
Includes equipment rental. Please arrive early if you plan to borrow equipment.
Pre-Registration is required on Eventbrite.